Saturday, February 28, 2015

It's official: The Waterford, Vermont, Historical Society!

Photo: Adam Aremburg, presenting his 2014 work on the Waterford Nature Trail as an Eagle Scout project. What a great contribution to both the town and the meeting -- thank you, Adam!

There was also an extensive presentation by Lynn Troy and Roberta Smith on the history of the Copenhagen district of Waterford and of Waterford Springs, now located there. 

Lynn will also present a display of Comerford Dam photos at Town Meeting (March 3, 2015).

On Wednesday February 25, 2015, at 7:45 pm, after ample discussion, the by-laws for the Waterford, Vermont, Historical Society were adopted at the meeting of the Waterford History Group at the Davies Memorial Library. We are on our way to being better able to accept historical items and gifts as part of our preservation and appreciation of the town's history!

The first board is as follows:

Matt Lewis, president
Donna Heath, vice-president
Roberta Smith, secretary/treasurer
Helen Chantal Pike, 2-year director
Charlie MacMahon, 2-year director
Lynn Troy, 1-year director
Beth Kanell, 1-year director

We are also seeking a high school student from Waterford for a nonvoting position on the board.

Here are the by-laws; next steps are state nonprofit registry and application for federal status as a 501(c)3 organization.

BY-LAWS: Waterford, Vermont, Historical Society
 Article 1.      Name.
This society shall be called the “Waterford, Vermont, Historical Society.”
Article 2.      Purpose.
The object of this society shall be to discover and preserve whatever relates to the history of the Town of Waterford and surrounding communities, for the use, education, and enjoyment of present and future generations.
Article 3.      Board of Directors and Officers.
The officers of the society shall be president, vice-president, and secretary/treasurer, who shall be elected for the term of one year; and four directors.  One of these seven people should also be a member of the Board of Directors of the Davies Memorial Library whenever possible. There may also be one nonvoting student officer of the board, of high school age and living in the town of Waterford. In the year of organization, the directors shall be elected: two for a term of one year, and two a term of two years; in addition, the three officers shall be board members for three years. All officers and directors shall have the right of re-election.
Article 4.      Board of Directors
The officers and directors shall constitute the Board of Directors.
Article 5.      Membership and Dues
Any person interested in the history of the Town of Waterford and surrounding communities may become a member of the Society by paying a membership fee of $5.00 per year.
Article 6.      Property
All donations of property are to be under the direction of the officers and the directors.  If the society ceased to exist, all properties would revert to donors or his/her heirs or wherever specified by donor at time of donation. 
Article 7.       Annual Meeting
The annual meeting shall be held in the month of February at such a place and date as the Board of Directors shall designate.  Special meetings may be called by the president or upon written request of five members in good standing.  All meetings shall be called by notice in the Davies Memorial Library newsletter, not later than 7 days before the meeting, setting forth the time and place and the business to be transacted; if this is not possible, the Board shall determine an equivalent method of notice.  Five members, four of whom shall be members of the Board of Directors, shall constitute a quorum.
Article 8.      Elections A nominating committee shall be appointed by the president in October to present at least one name for each office to be filled.  Candidates may be nominated from the floor.  A candidate for elections shall be an active member. The election of officers shall be held at the annual meeting.  The majority of votes cast are required for election.  The Board of Directors shall have the power to fill any vacancies that arise during the calendar year.
Article 9.    Duties of Officers
President – the president shall have executive supervision over the activities of the society within the scope provided by those bylaws.  She or he shall preside at all meetings and shall appoint the members of committees and delegates not otherwise provided for.  The president will also be an ex-officio member of any committee of this organization.
Vice-president – the vice-president shall assume the duties of the president in the event of absence, incapacity, or resignation of the president.  The vice-president will assist the chairman in his/her duties.
Secretary–Treasurer– the secretary-treasurer shall be responsible for the safe keeping of society funds and for maintaining adequate financial records.  Monies shall be paid out by numbered checks signed by the secretary-treasurer, who is authorized, along with the president, to write checks to pay bills. The secretary-treasurer will received dues and will render an annual report at the annual meeting. The secretary-treasurer will also receive any records of monthly history interest-group meetings and will maintain a record of the actions of the Board of Directors.
Board of Directors – the Board of Directors shall have the power to conduct all affairs of the society.  The Board of Directors shall decide questions of policy that for any reason cannot be acted upon at a meeting of the society and perform such other functions as designated in the bylaws or otherwise assigned to it.  At any meeting of the Board of Directors, four members shall constitute a quorum.
Article 10.            Monthly Meeting
The monthly meeting shall be held on the fourth Wednesday of every month at 6:30 p.m. unless otherwise stated, from February through October of each year.
Article 11.            Amendments
These bylaws may be amended at any regular or adjourned meeting by a two-thirds vote of those voting, provided that notice was given at a previous meeting.  Or they may be amended at a special meeting called for that purpose with 7 days of notice and two-thirds vote.

Adopted by voice vote, all affirmative, on February 25, 2015, at the Davies Memorial Library, Waterford, Vermont.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Remembering Upper Waterford: UNDERWATER by Rosalie Vear

A memoir of life in Upper Waterford by Rosalie Vear was posted in 2015 at the site for "Memoir Writing at Good Living Senior Center." It's vanished now, but with Mrs. Vear's permission, we have posted pages from her finished book. Click HERE to read them.