Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Farewell, Eric Charlton, Former Innkeeper, Rabbit Hill Inn

The Waterford Historical Society offers its condolences to Beryl Charlton and the many other family members and friends mourning the March 10 death of Eric Charlton. Beryl and Eric together owned and managed the Rabbit Hill Inn in Waterford for a wonderfully long and joyful time, 1980-1987. They also gave the community the gift of their presence at the Rabbit Hill Reunion in 2018; you can view the video here.

View the full obituary here.

Other notes here on the Rabbit Hill Inn and its history: click here.

The inn's own description of its history: click here.

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

March 25 Meeting: CANCELED for Community Health Concerns

Sorry to cancel the in-person gathering. BUT: Material from this presentation will be posted online soon -- keep an eye out!

What does a woman's right to vote mean in Vermont? Rural farm historian Donna Rae Heath reflects on how this right developed over the past century, and what it means to her today.